Wednesday, November 27, 2013

27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks.  
Total weight gain: +15 lbs. Ugh - last time I was only at 8lbs.

Maternity clothes? Oh yes, and I'm really limited on my options.  Most of my old maternity clothes are from summer, and even layering sleeveless blouse with a maternity cardigan is not warm enough right now!  I've bought a few sweaters this time around, but I really feel like I have very few options. 

Stretch marks? Just the one or two from before. (A little one on the skin where my belly button was pierced and a couple little ones under the belly button.)  Stripes of pride. :-)

Sleep: Not too bad, when Aaden sleeps all night.  I'm usually up once per night for a bathroom run.

Best moment this week: Another Dr. appointment - with the glucose test that I passed!  I always love an opportunity to make sure everything is okay, and heart our little baby's heartbeat.  Thanksgiving is this week and I can't wait to see my family and spend time with loved ones.  Not to mention all the other fun family traditions this weekend, shopping, cutting down our Christmas tree, decorating and relaxing with leftovers.

Miss Anything?  Not really.  I feel like last time I spent so much time missing this or that - that I'm really trying to enjoy the moments being pregnant.  Honestly I forget about the baby a ton, when I'm busy and distracted at work or busy playing and taking care of Aaden.  When the babe moves a ton or when I stand up and feel my tailbone is numb, i'm quickly reminded. 

Movement: A fair amount.  Aaden was such a mover and a shaker that I'm constantly realizing how more mellow this kiddo is.  The only time it's really uncomfortable is first thing in the morning, when the baby is shifting back into a new position.

Food aversions: Cherry 7up.

Gender: Unknown.  But I'm convinced it's a boy and only refer to it as a "he."

Labor Signs: Nothing new here.

Symptoms: Back pain, numbness in my tailbone and a general ache when switching positions or sitting too long. 

Belly Button in or out? Out.  Totally and completely out. 

Wedding rings on or off? On, and hoping to stay that way.

Looking forward to: Making some progress on getting the bedding made for Aaden's big-boy room, getting his bed started and starting to make a dent in our massive to-do list! Christmas shopping is on the list - so that will be conquered this weekend.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wow.. time for an update

I have little to no excuses, other than I really only do this for my purposes since I have little to no readers!  I wish I was doing a better job documenting this pregnancy like I did for Aaden.  I love looking back and comparing the photos.

So here goes, my attempt at a quick and dirty update.

Aaden is doing great.  He's learning SO MUCH and is still our little peanut.  He's got his 15 mo appointment next week and while we have some developmental questions about speech and walking, we're more interested in getting a referral for an ENT or allergy Dr.  He is still getting sick about every 3 weeks and his list just keeps growing of all the ailments he's had.  Most recently he had Hand, Foot and Mouth, which is an awful name for just a nasty virus and rash.  The poor little man was just miserable, and we were miserable watching him suffer. We think an ENT would help us narrow down if he has asthma/allergy issues that would be causing frequent sicknesses.  He has 8 teeth now!  4 of his molars just poked through in the last few weeks, which also made for weeks of a crabby, unhappy little man.   We think he's about 20 lbs now and about 31 inches long.  He knows "Mama" and "Dada" and likes to "woof woof" at the dogs.  He eats anything we put in front of him and has a ridiculous obsession with his paci and blankie.  Words can't describe how much fun he is and how we love every single moment with him.  We love watching him absorb and learn so much, and his smiles, kisses, hugs, high fives and giggles just light up our day.  He has brightened our world in ways we can't even explain.  I can't imagine what life will be like with two.  Busy, but oh so fulfilled!!

I'm now 27w3d pregnant with #2.  We didn't find out the gender, but I'm convinced it's a boy.  I've had this inclination since the beginning, and haven't waivered this time.  I'm definitely bigger this time around, and it's easier and harder at the same time.  I know more of what to expect this time around, but my back and hips ache more this time around.  Carrying Aaden around is exhausting and some things are getting really difficult to do for him.  Like laying him down in his crib - my stomach gets in the way and I can't lean over far enough to settle him into his crib if he's sleeping.  I'm craving cherry 7up all the time, but that's about it for serious cravings.   I've got my glucose test today - so hopefully I pass!  We will have a scheduled C-section this time around, and it will fall in mid-February sometime.  That's assuming I don't go into labor before then. 

We are pretty behind on our to-do list for preparing the house and ourselves for baby #2.  For the last two months we had roommates - my parents.  They sold their house and were expecting to only have a couple of weeks before they got into their new place, but the 3 weeks turned into 8.  They came to stay with us while they were "homeless."  Having them around was really nice, and they were an extra set of hands with Aaden too.  But helping them move out of their place, then move into their new one has taken up a few of our weekends.  They just moved out and now we can start making some progress getting Aaden's new room set up!  But with Thanksgiving this week and Christmas around the corner, it's going to be a busy couple of months!!! 

Okay, enough talk.  Let's get to a few pictures. :-)

 A few photos from our pumpkin patch trip and a jump into the corn pit! 

Aaden was a lion for Halloween and got to visit a few of the neighbors for trick or treats!  Luckily for the preggo Mommy, treats were in store.

This fall before it got cool, I took a day off from work to enjoy the day with Aaden and Aaron.  We went to Como zoo and spent a bunch of time looking at all the animals and plants!

Aaden's 1st Birthday was a blast!! He loved all the attention and presents but was so over it by the time the cake came out.  He napped horribly before the party, so he was a little on edge the whole time.  He could hardly keep his eyes open before the cake came out - and it just resulted in a total meltdown.  But he was glad to have everyone at his "Paw-ty!"

Now for a few belly pics.
11 weeks

18 weeks - right before our trip to Como.

22 weeks

24 weeks!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Our family.... Is still growing!

This February we will be welcoming #2!  Our kiddos will be a year and a half apart. God help us with 2 under 2.  We're excited, nervous and curious how we're going to balance two kids.   It's funny how different it is when your pregnant with your second.  I'm equally excited, but much less nervous.  I'm not freaking out over every sore muscle or twitch.  I had no questions for my OB versus my list last time.  I've been really sick again this time, it's similar yet also different.

I'm going to have to start with my weekly updates again, since I've already been referring back to my old ones to remember what week certain things happened.

More updates to come, but I'll leave you with our first photo of our 2nd little peanut.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"Water" photo contest

My submission for the July Photo Contest.

I am not a photographer.  But since I got my fancy camera, I've been wanting to take more time to play with it.  While this weekend didn't provide adequate time to fully learn my camera - I still tried to squeeze in a few photos so I could have something to submit to Sara's photo contest.  While I was hoping for beautiful weather to take some posed "water" photos outside, the grey, cloudy mid-50's weather didn't cooperate. 

Instead I settled with a typical bath photo shoot.  This was as soon as we plopped him in the tub.  He started splashing a way and I quickly was snapping away with trying to adjust the f-stop. 
Here's my best photo.
F5.6 ISO 800.  I did some basic cropping - but no other alterations.

Friday, July 26, 2013

5 on Friday!

My first 5 on Friday!!!

Today's a big day in the Bethke household.  Exciting stuff is a brewing... and I know this is mysterious - but we've been looking forward to today for weeks now.  More details soon... :-)

Tomorrow is a friend's baby shower!  I can't wait to spend the day showering her and her upcoming bundle of joy!  (I've never been to a baby shower - besides my own!!)  I've missed my friend's last few for family emergencies/being sick/vacations/etc.

I'm excited to play with my camera this week.  And try to take on this water challenge.  I WANT those fabulous photo coasters!  You should really check out Sara's site - she has beautiful pictures of her ADORABLE Mac.  Can't wait to take some photos for her contest!

I'm UBER excited for my girl's night next Wednesday.  I'm having dinner with 3 friends that I've known for over 20 years!  We can go months without seeing each other and always pick up where we left off.  Seeing them and catching up always gives me the warm fuzzy's - since we go SO far back.  I love these girls and can't wait for our dinner date!

I'm struggling with (gasp) STARTING to plan Aaden's 1st Birthday party.  I have no idea where to begin - and I HATE the awful "1st Birthday" decorations at stores.  But i'm not that into Pinterest.  I love DIY until i'm in the midst of the project and think my attempt is awful.  I don't know where to start....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bath Fun!

I can't resist - I finally cleaned all the pictures out of my camera the other day.  He is such a little squirmer, that he flips himself all around during baths.  I just think his little tush is too cute not to share!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Aaden's First Haircut

Here are just a few pictures from Aaden's first haircut!  He wasn't too sure of it to begin with, but he quickly calmed down and just watched everyone around him.  He hardly moved - which was perfect for his stylist!

They blew bubbles to entertain him and it only took a few minutes once he calmed down.  He did a great job - hopefully he is that good the next few times too!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

10 months old!

We’ve officially hit double digits – 10 months!!  You are getting more fun everyday, and constantly learning new things.  It’s so exciting to see the world through your eyes, and I know this will only get better as you get older.  You’ll get to experience vacations, birthdays, Christmases and so much more.  I love watching you grow and really love this stage!

Aaden's stats:


You are starting to figure out how to shovel food into your mouth!  You were a little slow on this front, but you seem to be getting the hang of it now.  You INHALE your puffs, and your fruits and veggies.  You’ve also tried grapes, peas, hamburger, chicken, pizza crust, a nibble of Mommy’s grilled cheese, apples, pears, mashed potatoes, noodles and scrambled eggs.  I think in the next month you will really take off with your diet!  An the two teeth you sprouted this month will only help.  You’ve started eating a ton before bed, which has helped you to sleep through the night!


At your recent visit to the pediatrician you were exactly 17 lbs. Still on the light side, but starting to make up some ground. 


28.75 inches

Diaper Size:

Size 3  and now you need “overnights” before bed.

Clothes Size:

Your Gymboree and Gap brand 3-6 months clothes pants are too small, but the shirts fit perfect.  You need 9 mo sleepers/pants from Carters.  We have some 6-12mo shorts from Gymboree and they fit, but slide down your hips. You are still so long and skinny!

Hair Color:

BLONDE, and getting much longer and thicker!  You got your first haircut last weekend too! You did so well, sat there and hardly moved while the lady combed and cut your hair.  Only a few tears were shed, at the beginning. 

Eye color:



You are starting to show a slight interest in crawling, but really you’ve already mastered rolling everywhere (and fast!) (Update - as of July 3rd - you are a crawler!  An army crawler!) You love playing with your toys and trying to play catch with Mommy and Daddy.  You love to pet your puppy and give hugs and kisses!.

You got two teeth this month too!  And you’re still drooling up a storm.  You love to chew on things and always have a toy or your fingers in your mouth. 

You spent 4 days in the hospital, and gave Mommy and Daddy quite a scare.  See it here.

You are back to sleeping all night, and we are so thankful! 

You learned to wave this month – and would be the Walmart greeter if we let you.  You love to wave at everyone, and at a restaurant recently we were seated near the door.  You sat and waved at all the people coming and going.  You are such a ham and definitely know you are cute and “work it.”

You are babbling away and quite interactive. When you are awake you are going 100 miles per hour, and then you crash, hard and fast.  You are all boy in that sense.

Peek – a – boo is your favorite game. And you love when Mommy or Daddy sneaks around a corner with you to surprise the other. You giggle and grin so big as soon as we start tip-toeing. We always know you are coming by your heavy breathing (of excitement) and giggles.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our visit to Children's Hospital

For purposes of documenting – I want this in here.  It’s a little late, but it’s taken a little while to get caught up at home.  All about Aaden’s visit to Children’s hospital.

The weekend of June 7th – we were looking forward to a quiet, uneventful weekend at home. No plans other than to work on our laundry room (which we are in the process of re-doing.  Pics to follow).  Friday we got the call from daycare that Aaden was running a slight fever.  This was pretty typical, and he had been sent home from daycare a half dozen times for this.  Poor kid just couldn’t get healthy.  See here to learn about the start of everything. .  Aaron picked him up and spent the afternoon with him.  He went to bed early, but he generally seemed like himself.  We figured it was the cold he was still battling + teething.
Saturday morning he had a slight fever when he woke up (around 101).  We gave him meds and he was good for about 3 hours.  As soon as the medicine started to wear off, he started shivering and his hands and feet were turning blue.  We did some looking online and it seemed normal when a fever spikes.  More medicine and we decided to watch him, since it was early am and urgent care was open all day.  Fast forward to about noon, we’re at Target picking up more meds, and the shivers return.  This time his lips start turning blue along with his hands and feet.   I leave and rush to urgent care – and they send me to the ER. 
Once at the ER, they start a bunch of tests.  Chest X-ray, bloodwork, urine sample (that they have to stick a tube up and pull out!).  They started an IV since he was very dehydrated.  Aaron was just finishing up work and was heading over so I kept letting the nurses know so they would let him into the ER.   Once Aaron got there, the Dr noticed and came in.  He said that he had a few conclusions from their tests, and while it was nice to have answers, they weren’t what we wanted to hear.  He said that it looked like he had pneumonia in his lungs, which didn’t surprise us with all the sickness/coughing he had been having.  The Dr. also said that when they did the bloodwork, the tech actually called him back to look at the smear.  They said his WBC was over 30,000 (normal is 10,000) and they said the cells very mis-shapen and abnormal, and for that reason they wanted to send us to Children’s to see a hematologist.   They would send us by ambulance and we should plan to be there for a while.  My stomach fell.  I was expecting a nasty cold, even pneumonia didn’t surprise me.  But abnormal blood cells, an ambulance ride and MORE hospitals?!  I had a pit in my stomach and even though they didn’t say it, I knew they were thinking it was leukemia. 
Did you know this is how they do babies' X-Rays?

Waiting to ride in the ambulance - and feeling pretty good with the IV, antibiotics and ibuprofin.

We had a few hours to wait (ambulance was being used for a car accident), so we took turns running home to pack, pick up the house and feed the neighbor’s cats.  We called my parents to come home from the cabin, since we would need them to take Vada.  About 6:30 pm we boarded the ambulance for a ride down to Children’s.  Once at Children’s we were admitted to the ER for their own tests and work up on our sick little guy.  All the while, Aaden’s fever kept spiking to between 103 – 105.2 when we first got the ER.  He was one sick little dude.
Poor baby and his high fever.

About 9:00pm a Doctor came in to tell us that a hematologist looked at his bloodwork and ruled out leukemia.  THANK GOD.  It was a long afternoon, but we were lucky to get the results that fast.  They still wanted him admitted to the hospital since they couldn’t get his fevers under control. 
We ended up staying till Tuesday, June 11th.  He didn’t kick the fevers until Monday afternoon, and he was in rough shape all weekend.  They confirmed pneumonia and adenovirus.  So the combination of a bacterial infection (pneumonia) and the virus was the reason why they believe his blood cells were so mis-shapen.  His WBC was very elevated at admittance and stayed up there till Monday morning.  Monday morning’s blood work and Tuesday’s was finally on the way back down, and with the fever gone we were sent home.

Our room and what we did for 3 days.  We got caught up on New Girl though.  Thank God for IPAD's and Hulu. :-)

 Defiantly not the weekend we had planned, but we thank our lucky stars that Aaden was sick with a curable illness.  We were in isolation at Children’s since we were placed on the oncology floor with all the children battling various cancers.  It was a somber experience.  We are so thankful for our healthy little man!  While our stay wasn’t very pleasant, (we had a twin bed to share and didn’t get a room with a shower until Monday) we were lucky it was a short stay.  We were sent home with 4 medications to give him and a slew of instructions.  But it was nice to be home again.

Then that weekend he felt MUCH better!


Friday, June 21, 2013

5th Anniversary!

Today we celebrate 5 years of wedded bliss!  I still fondly think back to our wedding day and enjoy looking over the photos of the FUN and warm day.  I love you hunny bunny so much!  The last 5 years seem to have flown, and now here we are parents!  I love riding Life's rollercoaster with you, and I can't wait to see what the next 50 years has in store for us!


At our rehearsal dinner

My beautiful family!

Where we met - Best Buy!

The stunning bridesmaids

Our wedding party really made our day.  They were the best!