Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wow.. time for an update

I have little to no excuses, other than I really only do this for my purposes since I have little to no readers!  I wish I was doing a better job documenting this pregnancy like I did for Aaden.  I love looking back and comparing the photos.

So here goes, my attempt at a quick and dirty update.

Aaden is doing great.  He's learning SO MUCH and is still our little peanut.  He's got his 15 mo appointment next week and while we have some developmental questions about speech and walking, we're more interested in getting a referral for an ENT or allergy Dr.  He is still getting sick about every 3 weeks and his list just keeps growing of all the ailments he's had.  Most recently he had Hand, Foot and Mouth, which is an awful name for just a nasty virus and rash.  The poor little man was just miserable, and we were miserable watching him suffer. We think an ENT would help us narrow down if he has asthma/allergy issues that would be causing frequent sicknesses.  He has 8 teeth now!  4 of his molars just poked through in the last few weeks, which also made for weeks of a crabby, unhappy little man.   We think he's about 20 lbs now and about 31 inches long.  He knows "Mama" and "Dada" and likes to "woof woof" at the dogs.  He eats anything we put in front of him and has a ridiculous obsession with his paci and blankie.  Words can't describe how much fun he is and how we love every single moment with him.  We love watching him absorb and learn so much, and his smiles, kisses, hugs, high fives and giggles just light up our day.  He has brightened our world in ways we can't even explain.  I can't imagine what life will be like with two.  Busy, but oh so fulfilled!!

I'm now 27w3d pregnant with #2.  We didn't find out the gender, but I'm convinced it's a boy.  I've had this inclination since the beginning, and haven't waivered this time.  I'm definitely bigger this time around, and it's easier and harder at the same time.  I know more of what to expect this time around, but my back and hips ache more this time around.  Carrying Aaden around is exhausting and some things are getting really difficult to do for him.  Like laying him down in his crib - my stomach gets in the way and I can't lean over far enough to settle him into his crib if he's sleeping.  I'm craving cherry 7up all the time, but that's about it for serious cravings.   I've got my glucose test today - so hopefully I pass!  We will have a scheduled C-section this time around, and it will fall in mid-February sometime.  That's assuming I don't go into labor before then. 

We are pretty behind on our to-do list for preparing the house and ourselves for baby #2.  For the last two months we had roommates - my parents.  They sold their house and were expecting to only have a couple of weeks before they got into their new place, but the 3 weeks turned into 8.  They came to stay with us while they were "homeless."  Having them around was really nice, and they were an extra set of hands with Aaden too.  But helping them move out of their place, then move into their new one has taken up a few of our weekends.  They just moved out and now we can start making some progress getting Aaden's new room set up!  But with Thanksgiving this week and Christmas around the corner, it's going to be a busy couple of months!!! 

Okay, enough talk.  Let's get to a few pictures. :-)

 A few photos from our pumpkin patch trip and a jump into the corn pit! 

Aaden was a lion for Halloween and got to visit a few of the neighbors for trick or treats!  Luckily for the preggo Mommy, treats were in store.

This fall before it got cool, I took a day off from work to enjoy the day with Aaden and Aaron.  We went to Como zoo and spent a bunch of time looking at all the animals and plants!

Aaden's 1st Birthday was a blast!! He loved all the attention and presents but was so over it by the time the cake came out.  He napped horribly before the party, so he was a little on edge the whole time.  He could hardly keep his eyes open before the cake came out - and it just resulted in a total meltdown.  But he was glad to have everyone at his "Paw-ty!"

Now for a few belly pics.
11 weeks

18 weeks - right before our trip to Como.

22 weeks

24 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Love the melt down picture!!! haha. You looks so cute! Can't wait to see you all again in a month!!!
