Monday, April 22, 2013

A Fabulous Family Filled Weekend!

Sitting all by himself now!! (LOVE the little thigh rolls!)
 We had such a lovely weekend.  Although I’m still not 100%, I was feeling SO much better.  It was nice to actually have a weekend versus spending it in bed sick.

Friday night we did a HH with our friends Rob & Sarah.  Aaden enjoyed getting their attention and his first time in a restaurant high chair!
Saturday was perfect.  We were lazy getting up and all snuggled and played in bed.  Once we got moving we ran a few errands and did some Aaden shopping at the outlet mall.  We needed to get him some summer clothes (if summer ever gets here!).  That night we met my parents for dinner then had them over to play cards.  It was a beautiful day and such a fun day with family.
Sitting in a shopping cart now!  He was checking out all the ladies.

Sunday was busy, but oh so fun!  We were up early (like usual) but it was okay.  We had our friends Abby, Ken and their little man Eli over for brunch.  I spend the morning cooking up a storm while Aaron picked up the toys/house and got Aaden ready.  It was so fun to have them over and watch the boys play together!!  Eli is 2 months older than Aaden, and they got along so well.  It’s amazing that last time we saw them their seemed to be a huge difference in age between the boys.  There still is, but it seems to be shrinking.  Next time we see them I’m sure there won’t be a difference at all.  It will be so fun to watch our boys grow up together.  And breakfast was delicious (Eggs, French toast, turkey bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, croissants and OJ) I even have some leftover meat and French toast that I brought in for lunch today.
After our friends left, Aaden and I headed out for a shopping trip with my mom and my Grandma.  My Grandma is in a nursing home and doesn’t get out much.  She got a ride to the mall (in her scooter) and we spent a few hours shopping for some summer shirts for her.  Then we got a DQ treat and headed out. It was so nice to spend time together.
I had heard that afternoon that my aunt will in town (from Denver) this upcoming weekend. So I chatted with her for a bit to try to “arrange a play date for Aaden.”  Sounds like next weekend will be more family time.  I love my family and can’t wait for another great weekend.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

5 Dr appts, and an ER visit in a matter of 19 days.

I am SO sick of being sick. 

Visit #1:  March 29th - Pneumonia hit this lady the weekend of Easter.  I went in did the blood work, the chest x-rays and got 10 days of antibiotics for my nasty cough.

Visit #2 (ER Trip):  March 30th - My dear hubby came down with the norovirus as soon as my pneumonia-induced fever of 102.5 broke. (Evening of March 29th).  Aaron spend all Friday night in the bathroom.  By Saturday he had a fever and couldn't even keep a glass of water in.  I called urgent care and they suggested heading straight to the ER since he seemed dehydrated.  I spent Easter weekend trying to recover while caring for a sick husband and baby.

By mid week we were finally starting to feel human again. 

Visit #3: April 6 - Urgent care for Aaden.  We woke up to a congested and wheezy baby.  We brought him in since it was the weekend and we were hopeful it wasn't pneumonia.  Croup and a prescription of steroids for him.

Visit #4 and #5:  April 12 - Aaden had gotten better earlier in the week, only to retract again.  The weekend was coming so we wanted him checked again.  He got more steroids and an antibiotic for his sinus infection.  I went in because I had been extremely tired, nauseous and had a bunch of sinus pressure.  My doc did some blood work and said everything seemed okay.  That I was probably just battling a cold.

Visit #6 - April 16 - Back again for me. I had a fever again and a sore throat.  Got a negative strep test and a "we don't know what's wrong" diagnosis.  I got another batch of antibiotics and I'm still hope sick in bed.

I've been tired, stuffy, had a cough, a fever on and off, and a bunch of other random symptoms over the last three weeks.  I've canceled more plans than I've attended.  I've missed 3 days of work and who knows if I'm going in tomorrow.

I'm thinking this is all due to the fact that Aaden started daycare.  We were healthy all fall and winter!  But in the last month that he's been in daycare, I've been sick for 3 weeks.  Luckily Aaden has only had croup and a stuffy nose (pretty normal for kids) versus the flu or a fever.  I'm very thankful it's been me and not my adorable little boy.

I'm just praying for warm weather, that it will hopefully be the solution to this stroke of sickness.

And I can't wait for all the bills to start rolling in.  Thankful for good insurance and a flex account. :-)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blog layout - help!!

If you haven't noticed - I've been trying to make my blog look better lately.  The template I have is one of the defaults and it's blah. And I can't seem to get the header picture to be the right size either.  I spent three hours today googling how-to's to try to dress this little ol space up.  And it just made it worse - so i reverted back.

Does anyone have any tips?  EVERYONE else's blogs are so pretty and professional looking.  I tryed a new background from but it only changed the blue part on top.  I still had this grass stuff.

After 3 hours of wasted time I was so frusterated I wanted to give up and erase this thing.  But honestly, that's not what I want to do.

Where do I begin?!  Any help is much appreciated.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Weekend recap - reverse mullet?

Our weekend:
Was interesting.  But it was actually a pretty nice wedding, considering the prior circumstances.

Friday the rehearsal was disorganized and chaotic.  The bride’s dad wore a leather fanny pack and her mom skipped down the aisle.  The children (her nieces and nephew) ran amok and her family seems just as nuts.  And I saw Andrew’s (god-awful!) haircut.  Think Friar Tuck meets Tom Sawyer.    It was just as thick as Mr.’s on the right, but SHORT in the back, a reverse mullet of sorts. 

Rehearsal was boring and the dinner was quick.  Little Aaden was crabby and tired (as was Mom!) so we left early to head home.

We awoke in the wee hours of the morning to a rattling/manly breathing baby.  He was so congested he was struggling to sleep.  We got up, suctioned the heck out of his nose and did the hot shower/steam room to help.  After two hours (2:00-4:00) we were finally able to get a little more sleep.  But by then we had decided to get up early to head to urgent care to be sure he didn’t have my pneumonia. (That I had the weekend before!)

Urgent care was quick!  Like lightening fast.  We got some steroids for the little guy and he was diagnosed with croup.  We were then off to my parent’s place to see my sister quick before the wedding.  We got to see her adorable little puppy and Aaden got to play with his auntie.  Then we rushed home for Aaron to get ready and Aaden and I to start preparing for the wedding.

At the wedding, Aaden was all amped up.  (From the steroids).  He wasn’t having the service, so I skipped out during the vows to entertain him.  Ironic that he got super fussy during the vows.  Just saying…
We hung out at the church for a while afterwards, visiting with family and friends.  Then I drove Aaden around for an hour trying to get him to nap before the reception. Did a drive by of my old neighborhood and my old stomping grounds.  Everything has changed so much!  I miss my old house and the great memories I have there.  But I was glad to see the new owner was trying to take care of the place, and the pool was still there!

The newlyweds- don't you just see "crazy" in their eyes?

The reception was busy with family again, and a fussy baby.  Aaden was a bit of a handful, and I’m going to blame the ‘roids.  We stayed later than I would have liked, but it is Aaron’s brother.  The piece I thought was interesting was everyone’s attitude and lack of enthusiasm for the newlyweds.  I had many people tell me they were their only for Andrew and Aaron’s parents.  They didn’t agree with the elopement or the fake church wedding they had afterwards.  They were happy for the couple, but thought they had a lot of growing up to do for how inconsiderate they were of others in regard to the wedding.  Thinking back, I’m surprised at my general lack of excitement for them too.  I never paid any attention to the bride and groom – and they didn’t have the same charismatic charm that a typical bride and groom on their wedding day would have.   No one clanged the glasses for them to kiss, and they didn’t have any takers for the dollar dance.  Guests were their to see one another and support the family, not the couple.  It was weird.  But it was honestly very well put on, considering they Aaron’s Mom planned the whole thing in a matter of two months. 
It was really nice to see so much family, and we were super excited for Aric (Aaden’s godfather) to be around too.  He stopped by Sunday before he was to head back to Montana.  We probably won’t see him again until Aaden is at least a year old.  It’s sad he’s not around more, but we enjoy visiting with him when he is here.  And he loves seeing Aaden too!
Can you see how short in the back his hair is?

Friday, April 5, 2013

It'll be an interesting weekend...

This weekend should be interesting....

We have the church wedding/reception for Aaron's brother.  You know the one... the one that eloped.

Since their wedding, their story has only gotten crazier.  I think they have gone and lost their damn minds.  Therefore, this weekend will be interesting.  All of Aaron's family is in town for the wedding.  Some of his aunts, uncles and cousins we haven't seen in years.  So the majority of them haven't met Aaden.  I'm excited to introduce them all to him, but not for the grabby - pass the baby atmosphere that is his family.  Plus I think the better than half of his family is certifiably nuts, so it should be fun.  (Although who doesn't have family that is crazy?!  I know some of my family is!)

I am VERY excited for Aaden to spend time with his godparents this weekend though!  He gets to see my sister on Saturday since she's in town, and Aaron's brother is here from Montana for the wedding.

Sunday will hopefully be a nice relaxing day at home - and finishing up the last of some tax returns!

A few of the items that make his brother, Andrew and his new wife nuts.
1. They live in their grandparent's old farmhouse.  Paid for by the gparents estate.  It has no shower.  Oh, and they are hoarders and slobs.  Can hardly make it in the front door.
2.  Since these two crazy kids have met, they have both started and quit their jobs.  Andrew used to have a respectable career, but it "got in the way" of his time with Amber.  So he has since quit all preceding jobs.
3. They mooch off Aaron's parents in order to get by financially.
4. They want kids now - i think they forget that kids cost $$.
5. They invited some of Andrew's cousins to the wedding.  A few here and a few there (leaving out only a handful).  And hand selected which kids could attend too.  So now some of the family is not attending at all to make a point.
6. They waited weeks to announce their elopement to the extended family. And when the did, they did it at a bridal shower thrown for them, after the party was over.  (Essentially lying during the party - it was very uncomfortable for the half of us there that knew).
7. (My favorite) Their reasoning to rush the marriage - "If we didn't get married when we did, we probably would have broken up.  We couldn't handle the constant commuting between where we were living." (They lived 30 minutes apart).

This is just a sampling... nuts right?!  Thank goodness we only see them on holidays.  This weekend should be interesting.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My little man is 7 months?!

It’s official, you are closer to being a one year old little boy than my adorable little newborn! Just the other day I looked at you and realized you are really starting to look like a little boy, and not my baby.  I love watching you grow and learn, but time can slow down a bit too.

Aaden's stats:


You had a bunch of different veggies and fruits, and you seem to like most of them. You've had carrots, green beans, peas, squash and yams. You got a little backed up from all the veggies, so we were excited to introduce pears, apples and bananas.  You love the fruits and you inhaled bananas for the first time.  Since your first taste, you haven’t been too interested in bananas. You started snacking on mum mum’s too.  The Dr. wanted us to try to get yourself to start feeding yourself, and you have yet to have any interest in that.  We’ll keep working on it!   


I tried weighing him at home - a whopping 15.5 lbs.  Our peanut seems to be even skinnier than normal.  Between daycare and home we are constantly offering him food, and he eats all the time.  Just our little runt I guess.  That’s okay though. J


27 inches

Diaper Size:

Size 3

Clothes Size:

You can still fit into a few Gap brand 0-3, but almost everything is 3-6 months.  The 6 month sleepers are getting too tight, and the 9 month ones fit perfectly.  You are still so long and skinny!

Hair Color:

It's turning really light - and blond!

Eye color:


Funniest moment this month:

You are really starting to giggle.  You love to watch Vada play and you love it when we blow on your tummy.  You instantly get fistfuls of my hair the second I go to blow on your tummy.  And it makes you crack up!

This month you have gotten SO STRONG!  You love to stand up and look around.  You can sit on your own, but you are constantly moving so sitting on your own ends up with you face planting or throwing yourself backwards.  Your getting really good on your tummy too.  I know you could crawl if you tried!  You can push yourself way up from your tummy, or use your hands to spin yourself in a circle.  But your favorite move is the “sky diver pose.”  Your core is so strong!

You are getting so fun!  You love to play with Mommy and Daddy and started trying to “kiss” Mommy.  You open your mouth really big and press it against my cheek.  You are so proud of yourself and I love the wet kisses!

You started daycare this month too!  (A few weeks earlier than planned – due to Daddy’s new job!) It’s going really good so far, and you seem to be one of the girls’ favorites.  I heard you just watch them walk around the infant room and smile and giggle for them.  You come home tired from all the fun toys they have there. 

Just a few pictures from recently.