Sunday, April 29, 2012

17 Weeks and Houston Recap

How far along? 17 weeks.
Total weight gain: -5 lbs.  I was traveling and sick this week.
Maternity clothes? Definitely pants.  I started wearing a few of my shirts too.
Stretch marks? Not yet, I hope they stay away too!
Sleep: A little rougher this week.  Not sure if it was staying in a hotel, or the getting sick part. 
Best moment this week: Our baby’s first flights!  He/She didn’t like the flight to Houston, but was a seasoned pro by the time we flew home.
Miss Anything? Feeling like myself.  It’s been either nausea, vomiting, or dizziness since the beginning.  This week I got a sinus infection with a fever, which is really knocking me out.
Movement: Not as much this week, but felt the little one each day!
Food cravings: Not really.  The last few days I can hardly keep anything down.
Food aversions: Most things the last few days.  Sinus infection is really kicking my butt.
Gender: Unknown… and it’s going to be that way until October!
Labor Signs: Ha, thank God no.
Symptoms: Dizziness, nausea, and puking.  It’s been a fun week.
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting shallow!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Looking forward to: Watching the bump grow, and getting our baby bedding.

Houston was BUSY.  A coworker and I flew out early Tuesday morning and spend the afternoon meeting our Houston co-workers and dealing with issues back home in our MN office.  Wednesday we had interviews all day for our Accounting Manager position.  Then we went to dinner with one of the owners and his wife.  They took us to Perry’s in Houston, which is known for their pork chop.  It’s about the size of a roast that you could use to feed a family of 6!  The place was good, but not worth the prices!  Thursday I had a customer meeting with a large utility company and got to go out in the field and watch some our guys work. That evening we were invited to the owner’s new home (mansion!).  It was BEAUTIFUL, and we were really thankful to be welcomed into their stunning home. Although I was starting to feel a little off and exhausted from the busy week, so we were ready to get back to the hotel and relax.  Friday was more interviews and the flight home. 

By Thursday I started feeling sick and was done for by Friday.  I’ve spent the weekend lying in bed or on the couch.  I’m hoping to feel a lot better by tomorrow for work!  Although I’m still bummed that my weekend was such a dud.  I had a baby shower, a surprise 50th birthday party and plans with a friend that was in town from Chicago.  Everything had to be canceled. L  I hate being sick on the weekends, but I guess it’s better than missing work after being out of the office all week. 
On the baby front, we ordered our baby bedding!  See it here:
I’m hoping that I like it just as much in person.  Since we’re not finding out the gender, we needed to find something gender neutral.  I really thought the teddy bears were cute and thought it would be a nice way to decorate.

Also this week we have our 18 week check up with our OB.  I’m excited to hear the heartbeat and get confirmation that everything is okay.  I’ve been so sick I’m paranoid that our baby isn’t getting enough food.  Plus I haven’t gained any weight yet, so I just want to talk through a few things with our Dr and be sure that everything is okay! Then in two weeks we have our big 20 week ultrasound!  We invited my Mom along for that, so it will be nice to have her included in the fun. 
Hard to believe May is here – which means it’s almost halfway for us!  So much to do, and so much more growing to do!  It’s crazy to think we’re almost halfway to meeting our babe.  Sorry, no picture this week, I’ll be sure to get one for next week.

16 weeks and a trip to Houston!

How far along? 16 weeks.

• Total weight gain: -3 lbs.

• Maternity clothes? Definitely pants. I went on a little shopping spree at MofA this week and got a good stash of pants. Picked up a few cute tops and even wore my first maternity top this week too!

• Stretch marks? No, and I’ve been slathering on the lotion.

• Sleep: Is easy so far. Most nights I have to get up to use the restroom once, but really not too bad. Just WEIRD dreams!

• Best moment this week: Feeling our baby move (again)!! She/He was moving a TON on Thursday and I don’t think I went too long without feeling the little one dancing around in there.

• Miss Anything? Not being tired so easily. Had a longer week for work and it really wears me out!

• Movement: A ton on Thursday and only a little the other days.

• Food cravings: Not really

• Food aversions: Fish or some of the weird smelling food people heat up at work.

• Gender: Unknown… and it’s going to be that way until October!

• Labor Signs: Ha, thank God no.

• Symptoms: Tired all the time, sore back/hips/torso. I’m finally starting to notice a few differences I have to make since this belly is growing! Can’t squeeze in between spaces I normally think I can.

• Belly Button in or out? In, but getting shallower than it was!

• Wedding rings on or off? On.

• Looking forward to: Watching the bump grow!

This week we attempted to assemble the crib. Major fail. The headboard and footboard were both damaged pretty badly. I called the store we got it at, and they were super helpful, but unfortunately after opening their last one in stock they didn’t have a non-damaged set either. They didn’t see a delivery for the next 4 weeks, so I have to try to contact the manufacturer to get new pieces. Goes to show that it helps to be a planner! I know we bought/attempted to assemble it really early on in our pregnancy. But then I don’t have to spaz out about these little issues that come up. 

Also this upcoming week – I get to go to HOUSTON for work! I’m interviewing candidates for a management position, and as the supervisor of the role, I get to travel to TX to meet all our candidates. The HR manager and I are going together and will be there nearly all week. I’m really excited to get there and see our office and meet some people I talk to all the time. I also will get to be “out in the field” for a day too. I get to see all the nitty gritty of what we do!

This week will also mark the 1 year anniversary of starting at the company. I truly LOVE my job, and I feel so fortunate to be able to work for such a fun, successful, growing company. The owners are so family focused and genuinely kind, my boss is an excellent leader, coach and friend and my staff is generally pretty awesome. (Hey – there has to be a flaw, somewhere!) I am so happy that I made the difficult decision a year ago to take that leap of faith and follow my instincts and switch jobs. What started out as a less than ideal role quickly transitioned into the opportunity of a lifetime. I’m currently in a role that few at my age hold. I love my role, the company, the management and the staff. What more could a girl ask for?

I’ll try to get a few pictures this week of our travels. 

Getting caught up on the last 15 weeks

The week leading up to my birthday I was feeling a little "off."  My breasts were super sore and I got really sick to my stomach at the smell of smoke. (We went to the casino for my b-day).  The day after my birthday, Sunday January 22nd we were just getting home from the cabin.  I was eager to take a test, but Aaron was thinking I should wait.  (Since I would have only been at about 3 weeks pregnant - and a good week before my Aunt Flow was due to arrive).  We had just started trying, and I was so excited/eager that Aaron was trying to be optimistic and thought I had convinced myself I was pregnant.  But I knew.  We got a FAINT second line on Sunday, and we were hesitant to get excited or believe it.  We were going to wait a few more days to test again, but I'm too impatient.  4 days in a row, and 4 positive tests.  Results were in - Baby Bethke was on the way!

We were super excited, which was put on hold pretty quickly.  Within about a week (right around 4 weeks) I started having pain while sitting/moving/going to the bathroom.  It was in my left hip, and it was making us nervous to say the least.  On the day we hit 5 weeks, I woke up and hopped in the shower.  All of the sudden I was in excruciating pain. I was doubled over and crying.  I was getting dizzy and light headed and thought I was going to pass out in the shower.  I turned off the water and called for Aaron to help.  I ended up laying in bed for a half an hour as my insides felt like they were being ripped out.  It came in waves and I was refusing a trip to the hospital since I wasn't bleeding at all.  It started fading and vanished as quickly as it came on that morning.  I finished getting ready and figured I'd call the clinic on my way into work.  I wasn't bleeding, so I wasn't convinced I was miscarrying.  But I knew I needed to get in that day.  When I called, they asked me to come in immediately.  After many tests and an ultrasound, it was determined I had a cyst that ruptured that morning.  It was such a relief to see the large black circle in my uterus on the ultrasound screen!  The Doc said everything looked great! Since it was so early in the pregnancy, it is rare to see anything in an ultrasound.  The Dr mentioned that our chances of miscarriage were drastically less since he could confirm the placement of the babe.  The elation of having a handful of pictures of our growing embryo and the confirmation that everything was okay gave Aaron and I the go ahead to decide when to tell our families. 

(Week 7) The weekend of February 17th-19th we went to WI with my parents to visit my sister.  We tied the bandanna on our dog, Vada to share our news.  They were shocked!  Excited, but speechless.  I was nauseous all weekend, but we were still able to catch a movie, do some shopping and play games together.    That Sunday we had Aaron's parents and brother over for dinner.  After dinner we took out the cake for dessert.  They didn't even look at it and they knew what our news was!  They were also thrilled!  It'll be the first grand baby for both sides of the family. 

Week 9
Another of week 9

 12 weeks

Week 14 - Posing in our soon to be nursery, with Vada and the crib. 

Week 14, definitely more there than two weeks before!

What I know now:
  •  Morning sickness can last ALL day, and for weeks on end.
  • The fear of cysts and missing heartbeats are worth while when you get to have 3 ultrasounds by week 14 of a healthy baby! It's amazing to watch how much he/she has changed in a matter of weeks.
  • I'd rather puke than be continually nauseous. 
  • Not everyone gets instant huge boobs upon getting pregnant.  My bra is just starting to get snug, but nothing too major.
  • Even though I think my stomach looks drastically larger, other people don't notice it as much as I do. :-) 
  • Zophran is a pregnant chick's BFF.
  • I had no idea that your insides can get so sore!  I really thought the back pain/sore muscles were common once you're largely preggo and your body is adjusting to your new equilibrium.  Nope, everything has to stretch and adjust inside too. 
  • The "I was pregnant and didn't know it" show is bullSh**.  I think it would be impossible to not realize something was going on!

15 Weeks

Terrible photo in sweats - but it was 15 wks on the dot!
Out celebrating Cyndy's birthday!

How far along? 15 weeks.
Total weight gain: -3 lbs. I lost about 5 pounds the first trimester, and it’s been slow to add back on the last few weeks. I’m okay with this pace. :-) 
Maternity clothes? Just bottoms. I have a couple regular pairs of jeans/dress pants that work if I leave them unbuttoned. But I am really struggling to find good, comfortable, affordable maternity pants!
Stretch marks? No, and I’ve been slathering on the lotion.
Sleep: Is easy so far. It’s the soreness/general ache of muscles in my torso when I get up again in the morning that I need to get used to.
Best moment this week: Feeling our baby move!! Thursday night I was about to go to bed and I felt this little fluttery feeling. I pushed on my lower stomach where I felt it, and it did it again. We went back a forth a few times before I flew out of bed to tell Aaron. I was so excited to be feeling the baby and interacting with it! He thought it was bullying that I was poking at it. 
Miss Anything? Feeling like myself. I’m either nauseous, tired or sore regularly. I miss just feeling normal.
Movement: A teeny bit.
Food cravings: Nothing major. Got some baguettes yesterday and I was dying to get them in the oven today for warm, crusty bread and butter!
Food aversions: Garlic. I love it, but baby doesn’t. I feel so sick after I eat it.
Gender: Unknown… and it’s going to be that way until October!
Labor Signs: Ha, thank God no.
Symptoms: See above.. Nauseous-ness, puking, gagging, sore hips/back/entire torso, tired all.the.time.
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting shallower than it was!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Looking forward to: Assembling the crib we bought, getting a bigger belly, and our 20 week ultrasound in May.

Baby Bethke - Due October 4th!

In the end of January we found out we were expecting and I knew I wanted to find a way to document and record the changes and my feelings throughout. I want to be able to look back, reminisce and remember different weekly and monthly details.

I'll try to get a recap started soon of the time from the first positive test to week 15! I feel so much has already happened between that amazing January day and today!