How far along? 30 weeks.
• Total weight gain: +9 lbs.
• Total weight gain: +9 lbs.
• Maternity clothes? All pants and most shirts, this belly is getting HUGE.
• Stretch marks? Boo. This is a yes. I found a teeny, tiny little one in the most random spot. The little piece of skin between my old belly button piercing (all of ½ inch) has a small silver-y stretch mark. I wonder if it’s the scar tissue under the skin? Either way, I hope I only get that one – it’s so small that only I notice it.
• Sleep: Not great, restless with weird dreams.
• Best moment this week: Spending a few minutes just sitting in the glider in the nursery and looking around. It’s starting to feel really REAL.J
• Miss Anything? Having a ton of clothing options, being able to bend over, and a good cold Strongbow (I’m terrible – I know!).
• Movement: ALL THE TIME. Makes me a little worried for how over-active this kid could be.
• Food cravings: Culver’s cheese curds.
• Food aversions: Nothing specific
• Gender: Who knows?
• Labor Signs: Nothing.
• Symptoms: Thankfully the heartburn has subsided. Other than that, just aches, pains and generally being uncomfortable.
• Belly Button in or out? Totally and completely out.
• Wedding rings on or off? On, no swelling yet!
• Looking forward to: A weekend at home, and some time spent shopping for decorations for the nursery.
Doctor’s appointment (a week and a half ago – I’m late posting this!) went well. Heartbeat was good, my weight is still on the light side but baby is still measuring bigger than our due date. My blood pressure is low. I was informed that our follow up 32 week ultrasound appointment will be the final deciding factor in whether we’re doing a c-section. The placenta had moved before, but not enough at that time. My doctor still seemed pretty concerned about it, so we scheduled my next appointment with her for the day of the ultrasound. (They are done at two different locations). In just over a week and half, we will know how our baby will be entering this world! I’m okay with either option, I just really want to know if we have to do the c-section 3-4 weeks earlier than our due date. Just the planner in me.
Here’s my list from before – with updates on where we are!
1. Assemble the crib and changing table ~ Check! Looks great too.
2. Hang the curtains in the nursery and get the closet organizer in – Closet organizer done, looked at curtains, but I have some more work to do on those.
3. Start decorating the nursery (shelves, bedding, order wall decals) – Started. Bedding is in the crib and washed – ready to go!
4. Possibly assemble/take out of the box our car seat, stroller, high chair and bouncy chair – Check on the car seat and stroller. The other two can wait.
5. Finish assembling our patio set and finally sell the old one on Craigslist – Yes on the assembling, no on the selling. Maybe this weekend…
6. Get Aaron’s financial aid for his last semester taken care of (we’re so behind!) Check. J
7. Start and finish our registry at Babies R Us – Check. J And add “order custom nursery glider to that.”
8. Finally bring all the piles of “stuff” that we’ve accumulated to goodwill – SO glad this is done – and gone!
9. Start washing and hanging up baby’s clothes and organizing the changing table. – Nope, nothing here yet. Maybe this weekend.
This weekend will consist of shopping for decorations for the nursery, continuing to assemble it, starting to fill in the baby book we ordered and just got in the mail, and looking for nursing bras (ugh – this last task sounds horrible). I’m just excited to spend my Saturday shopping for the different items, and spending the rest of our weekend working on miscellaneous littler projects.
Our birthing classes started last week too. I was REALLY not looking forward to these. I was scared of learning things that I really didn’t want to know. For example – what exactly your body actually does/goes through/and seeing examples in a video on labor. But it actually has been really fun. The other couples seem easy going and our instructor, Jane is awesome! We laugh at some parts, but really seem to be learning a lot too. I actually look forward to our Monday night classes.
Yesterday we got to do a tour of the birth center at our hospital, and WOW. What a BEAUTIFUL place. There were women laboring in the laboring side and patients/newborn babies in the post partum rooms, and it didn’t seem as horrific as I had envisioned it. (I know I’m dramatic, but I really don’t do well with medical stuff). And the rooms are huge with state of the art technology for everything! Makes me feel much better about the short time spent between being a pregnant lady and becoming a mom to a newborn baby!
Baby Daddy assembling the crib. |
30 Weeks |
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