Aaden's stats:
You love your fruits and veggies. Not a big fan of avocados, but I can’t blame you for that! You make all sorts of goofy “mmm” noises when eating and can’t swallow and get your mouth open fast enough for the next spoonful! You haven’t had much interest in feeding yourself yet. We’ve tried cheerios and puffs, and you haven’t grasped what to do with those, you just end up coughing and make Mommy nervous you will choke on them.
When I weighed you at home you seemed to be in the upper 16#’s. We’ll confirm at the end of this month when we have your 9 mo appt.
27 inches
Diaper Size:
Size 3
Clothes Size:
Your Gymboree and Gap brand 3-6 months clothes are starting to get a little small. The 6 month sleepers are getting too short, and the 9 month ones fit perfectly. We have a few 9 mo Carter’s outfits and they seem a little big around the waist, but the length is good. You are still so long and skinny!
Hair Color:
BLONDE, and getting much longer and thicker! You’re looking soo much like your daddy these days.
Eye color:
Funniest moment this month:
Watching you try avocados?! Or watching you trying to drink from Mommy’s hot pink water bottle. You love that water bottle and if it is anywhere near you, you want it and try to get a drink.
You are mobile!!! You can sit on your own completely, but you prefer to be on your tummy moving around. Not quite completely crawling, but army crawling, scooting and rolling around. You are a master at spinning yourself in a circle.
You’ve been learning what hugs and kisses are, and you’re getting fairly good at reciprocating them.
You also babbled your first word – “Dada”. You’ve said Mama as well, but you’re not consistent in saying either. If we ask you where Momma or Daddy is, you know who we are, but you haven’t put the words together in reference to us yet. So close…
I’m sure by next month he will be full-on crawling. I’m sure it won’t be too many months before you start walking either. You’ve tried to walk while we’ve held your hands already.

He is so precious!
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute. I can't believe he's getting so big! He'll definitely be feeding himself by the end of the month!