It hardly seems that a whole year has passed. I vividly remember NYE 2011 - decked out in our "Make your own Superhero" outfits for the 3rd Annual themed NYE bash. Aaron and I kissed at midnight and shared our wish for 2012, for a baby. The afternoon of the 1st we headed to the airport on a bitterly cold, windy day to set sail to the Bahamas. Little did we know that a mear 3 weeks later we'd be getting a positive pregnancy test, and 2012 would turn into the "year of the baby."
We had a great year, filled with happiness, nerves and excitement at being new parents. I'll try to do a quick recap of each month - but I'm afraid this will turn very Aaden-focused. My apoligies now - he is our entire world now. :-)

A month of Doctors. A scary moment for us at 5 weeks pregnant. My sister spent way too long in the hospital, but we made it out to keep her company. Felt like crap mosts days with morning sickness all day. We fainally started sharing our news of Baby Bethke and spent a weekend visiting my sister in Eau Claire with the family.
The news was out to everyone! Got going on our baby plans and looking at cribs. Busy at work with the financial statement audit.
Had our 20 week ultrasound and got put on restrictions. Spent Memorial Day weekend in Duluth with the Hubby having a baby-moon. 2 weeks later, Duluth flooded.
BUSY month. Our 4th anniversary, weekend with my Mom and Sister at Treasure Island and Red Wing. Aaron was in a wedding, attended a wedding shower and squeezed in time for a Twins Game.
4th of July with family at the cabin, and got caught in the rain at the fireworks. Got back from the cabin in time for the Kenny and Tim concert at Target field. Had our first baby shower and spent time with family and friends at the cabin.
Getting anxious to find out if it would be an c-section. Many Dr.'s appointments and more time with friends and family. A baby shower, wedding shower and of course - THE BIRTH OF OUR SON, AADEN.
Was a blur. Half of it was spent at the hospital, and the rest was spent in a tired daze of diaper changes, feedings and burping. It was the best month, and also one of the most challenging. If I didn't have my work calendar with all the events we couldn't avoid (furnace installation, eye appt, etc), I wouldn't remember much of this month.
Finally getting the hang of being a parent. Working one day/week. Aaron's birthday and the first trip out of the house with Aaden. A wedding and my "friends" baby shower.
Aaden's baptism, Thanksgiving and enjoying every moment with my little guy before going back to work!
We found out two friends of ours are expecting, and Aaron's brother Andrew got engaged. We spent the month preparing for Christmas and enjoying the festivities associated with that time of year. Aaron graduated from college and we celebrated Aaden's first Christmas with family! The Vikings beat the Packers. :-)
We were beyond blessed in 2012. My work was great with flexibility and generous owners. Aaron studied hard and graduated with top honors from SCSU. We were blessed with a happy, healthy little baby boy. Aaron and I are loving life and enjoying each day. We hope for another happy, and fortunate year, cheers to 2013!
I can't believe your HH people didn't make the year in review post?!?! haha...just kidding!!! What a awesome!