Friday, February 8, 2013

Random thoughts on Friday

Some random thoughts.  I love these types of posts, and it's easier for me to lay it all out there!

1.  TGIF.  I love every moment of my weekends, and getting to spend my days with my sweet, adorable little Aaden.  Before baby I always loved the weekends and hated Mondays, but that has gone to a whole new level.  I seriously DREAD Mondays, and i always feel like the week ahead will be SO long.   Yes, here we are, Friday again and the week went pretty fast.
My puppy and baby - he's already eyeing her up as a fun toy. :-)

This picture just makes me want to cover those cute little cheeks in kisses!

2.  Since the weeks always seem to go fast than I expect, the months are flying by too!  How is my little peanut 5 months old already?!

3. This weekend I have to attend my new SIL's bridal shower.  Most of the family doesn't know that they eloped two weeks ago.  I don't feel I should have to lie to everyone, and I feel pretty uncomfortable going knowing this.  Should be an interesting day.

4. I get to see a long-lost BFF at the shower though!  My gal pal, Heidi had a little boy 10 months ago, and we've sort of drifted apart in the last year and half.  Kids, work, life, etc has gotten in the way of spending time together.  We've been texting this week and we are excited to hang out.  Even more so - i'm excited for our little boys to grow up together and be buddy's. 

5. Tax time. Ugh.  I'm a CPA, and I used to work in public accounting.  When i switched to private I got the (dumb) idea to do taxes on the side from home.  I don't know what I was thinking. I have a bunch of individuals that I do taxes for now, and the extra $ really doesn't amount to much in comparison to my time.  My time is worth so much more now!  My weekend will be spent filing our return, my grandparents and another client's.

6.  Grandparents - I think the Gma and Gpa will be paying us a visit this weekend or next.  I am super stoked!  Ever since Aaden arrived, I've enjoyed watching my grandma love on him.  It's fun to see her talk to him and play with him the way I remember her talking to my sister, cousins and I.  I can't wait to see them and have them spend time with Aaden.

7. Audit - I'm in charge of running the audit for our company.  It's T-minus 3 weeks away and I'm dreading the 3 weeks of prep leading into it, the actual two weeks that our auditors are here and all the follow up afterwards.  I think a few Strongbow's will be consumed come mid-March.

8.  Nursing - I've been LOVING the Breastfeeding Diaries - thanks to 'the girl in the red shoes'  It's so nice to see how others are making this work.  I am torn on how long I want to keep this up - (note the audit above).  Some days I want to go as long as I can, and other days I think I'd be okay with the extra sleep and time (not having to pump).  Other Moms - how/when did you decide to stop?

9. I love my hubby so much!  He's been an awesome stay at home Dad the last few months.  I can't imagine what life will be like when he goes back to work.  Balancing laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, etc.  So thankful for him, and for his patience with Aaden and myself.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

4-5 months update

Our little Aaden is getting SO big!  At his 4 month check up he weighed in at 11lb, 13oz and was 25 inches long.  He was at the 90% for length and 5% for weight.  He's healthy, just long and skinny for his age. 

Aaden's stats:

 You are eating about 5 ounces about every 3 to 4 hours.  You started on rice cereal one per day in mid January.  Some days you don't mind it, and others you are more interested in just getting a bottle.  We tried carrots (First REAL food!) last weekend.  You'll eat a few bites, but the little gags and faces you make are priceless!  I hope you like more veggies than Mommy does (I dislike them all).  But you are part me, so I can't blame you if you don't like carrots or green beans (next week's veggies!).
11.13 lbs at your 4 month appointment.  I think you are closer to 14 lbs now (just past 5 months)
25 inches at 4 mo appt
Probably between 25-26 now!

Diaper Size: 
Size 2.    

Clothes Size: 
Depends on the brand.  You are so long and skinny!  Still fits in some 3month Carter outfits (not sleepers!) and 0-3mo in Gap.  But almost everything in 6 month stuff - although you're a little to skinny to keep those pants up.  The 6 month sleepers are getting a little short - I'm going to cry if we have to dig out the 9mo PJ's for you!
Hair Color: 
Strawberry Blond - some days it looks really red, and others a little lighter.  

Eye color: 

Funniest moment this month: 
You've started giggling more frequently!!  You did a few laughs in December, but by a few I mean two times.  Daddy got you giggling mid-January, but we've always had to work for your smiles and laughs.  Just this week you've started dishing out some good belly laughs.  We still have to coax them out of you, but they seem to come easier now.  And I LOVE hearing you laugh.  I teared up a bit last night when you were giggling from me pretending to eat your cheeks and neck!

I've had trouble getting around to posting this, from downloading the new pictures in our new spiffy DSLR, to taking time to write down about you.  You've changed so much in the last two months.  Laughing, rolling over, not really napping and wanting to be walked around constantly. 

We love watching you grow, but a part of me wants you to stay tiny too!  I love when you fall asleep in my arms and drool all over my shoulder.  I love smelling your freshly shampoo'd head and playing silly peek a boo games.  You fall asleep on your back in your crib, but quickly ball up on your side.  By morning you are sprawled out on your tummy.  This freaked Mommy out - since "Back is Best."  But we used to flip you 4-8 times per night, and we'd still find you in the same position every morning.  I did some reading and found out that as long as you can roll yourself over, you should be able to roll back.  You defiantly like keeping Mommy and Daddy on our toes!

I made your carrots and green bean baby food - and loved it!  I'm hoping to make most of your food for you - canned baby food is expensive!  Plus it just seems better to have the homemade stuff. :-)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday.. again?

Anyone else have a serious case of the Mondays?  I CAN NOT focus today. 

We had a nice weekend.  Perfect balance of friends, family, getting shi* done, and spending time with my two guys.

Friday night we got dinner and did some running around.  Saturday was cleaning, 5 month pictures (to post SOON), trying to troubleshoot my tax software that didn't install properly, and a hot cocoa date with Bridget.  Aaron was busy that morning helping to pick up and install a washer and dryer at his brother (and new wife's) home.  Then we spent the evening working on Aaron's resume for his big job hunt this spring.

Sunday was a flurry of baking and getting stuff ready for our mini Superbowl party!  Our neighbors Rob & Sarah came over along with my parents.  We had a TON of un-healthy but delicious food to stuff ourselves with.  Anyone else love some of the commercials?  My fav was the Taco Bell ad with the senior citizens busting out of the retirement home. :-)

On another note, we touched base with our daycare provider, and it sounds like Aaden will be daycare free until April 1st!  I'm excited to keep him out of the germ ridden daycare world as long as possible.  Plus I'm still avoiding coming to terms with bringing my baby to essentially a stranger's home for the better portion of a day.  Plus I'm sad that this other woman will get to spend more time playing with and loving on my guy than I get to.  She's awesome and does daycare for a friend of mine, so I KNOW that she will be great.  But I'm enjoying not having to utilize daycare... yet.

Looking forward to hopefully a fast work week!

Pictures this week, along with a much belated 4 and 5 month post on my little guy!